CONTRIBUTING to pyshorteners ============================ First of all, thanks for your intention to help with this project. It was built while i was learning some python magic features and it really makes me happy that you also want to be part of this. Some steps to make our lives easier: 1. Before start making any code changes, please open an issue or check if your feature/bugfix is already being handled. 2. Please always make your changes on a separated branch, you choose the name of it. 3. Please follow PEP8. 4. Make sure ``make test`` passes before sending the Pull request. Thanks for your help and let me buy you a 🍺 sometime Building a new Shortener ------------------------ If you want to build another implementation of a shortener API, you basically need to: 1. Create a new module under the ``shorteners`` folder with the shortener api name (e.g: ````) 2. Create a ``Shortener`` class inheriting from ``BaseShortener`` (``pyshorteners.base.BaseShortener``) 3. add the ``api_url`` property with the API url 4. Implement ``short`` and ``expand`` methods 5. You can add custom methods if you want. Just make sure to document it. 6. Add docstring for the new ``Shortener`` class following `Google Style`_ Example: .. code:: python # from pyshorteners.base import BaseShortener class Shortener(BaseShortener): """ Docstring """ api_url = 'http://the/link/for/the/api' def short(self, url): pass def expand(self, url): pass def custom_method(self): pass Then, to use this new shortener, just try: .. code:: python >>> import pyshorteners >>> s = Shortener() >>> s.yourapi.short('http://some.url') 'result' >>> s.yourapi.expand('http://some.url') 'result2' >>> s.yourapi.custom_method() Check out the `current implementations`_ for more info Precommit Hooks --------------- This project uses the `pre-commit`_ project to manage git pre-commit hooks, that means hooks will be run before commiting that at the moment check for pylint and black style rules. If you are following this guide and ran ``make test`` then there is nothign needed to enable this behavior, pre-commits area already installed. If you are not following this guide (you should) then you can enable pre-commit like .. code:: sh $ pip install pre-commit $ pre-commit install .. _Google Style: .. _current implementations: .. _pre-commit: